Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA), Bangalore conducts Karnataka CET every year for admissions to Engineering, Medical, Dental, Architecture programs in Government Colleges, Private Colleges in Karnataka.
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Karnataka Common Entrance Test KCET Cut Off rank is the closing rank or the last rank which is required for admissions to a branch of particular engineering college. The cut off ranks list are published by KEA once the counselling rounds are over. For KCET, usually there will be 2-3 rounds of counselling. Students who have appeared for KCET counselling can check expected and previous year cut off ranks and have fair idea about the closing or last ranks for admissions in Government Colleges, Private Colleges in Karnataka.
KCET Cut Off Ranks | Karnataka Common Entrance Test Opening and Closing Ranks
Karnataka CET Cut Off will have the closing ranks for all branches for the given colleges, also student will be able to check the category wise cut off which will help to select the best colleges as per their cut off. The KEA will publish the cut off rank for all the counselling rounds on their official website.
Meanwhile students can check KCET College wise, Branch wise, and Category Wise Opening and Closing Ranks for the previous years in the below section:
KCET Cut Off Ranks | Opening and Closing Ranks 2016
KCET Cut Off Ranks | Opening and Closing Ranks 2015
KCET Cut Off Ranks | Opening and Closing Ranks 2014
KCET Cut Off Ranks | Opening and Closing Ranks 2013
Please note that the KCET Cut off will have category-wise cut off ranks for the below categories.
GM General Merit
GMK General Merit Kannada
GMR General Merit Rural
2AR 2A Rural
2AG 2A General
2AK 2A Kannada
2BG 2B General
2BK 2B Kannada
2BR 2B Rural
3AG 3A General
3AK 3A Kannada
3AR 3A Rural
3BG 3B General
3BK 3B Kannada
3BR 3B Rural
1G 1 General
1K 1 Kannada
1 R 1 Rural
SCG Schedule Caste General
SCR Schedule Caste Rural
SCK Schedule Caste Karnataka
STR Schedule Tribe Rural